Audio - Samuel Preston Bayard Folklore Recordings - 1948
Samuel Preston Bayard was a folklorist and musicologist who collected songs, fife tunes and fiddle tunes from 1928 to 1963. He recorded selections from several Rural Valley area people. His work is archived at Pennsylvania State University, and some of the selections he collected are available on YouTube.
Mabel Black's Songs. Mabel Black introduces herself on the recording as a Dayton resident. She is possibly the same Mabel Black who taught in Rural Valley, as per the 1940 census.
A. J. Hogg's Fiddle Tunes. A. J. (Arthur Jesse) Hogg taught in Armstrong County for years, and was principal of Rural Valley High School.
Bert Stear's Fiddle Tunes. Bert Stear lived in Rural Valley. As a young man he was a harness maker, then turned to plumbing and later to farming.
I believe this is the same Mabel Black who made the recording. Picture taken from Dayton High School 1962 yearbook, found on on the image will expand it, if a larger image is available.A. J. Hogg. Picture taken from the Dayton High School 1951 yearbook, found on on the image will expand it, if a larger image is available.Bert Stear is in the back row, fourth from the left. Other people in the picture are:Back row: Jim Stewart, Sam Rupp, Bob Trollinger, Bert Stear, Bob McIntosh, Clarence Huber, Preston McIntosh, Add Farren, Dave Kirkpatrick and Chad Rupp.Front row (seated): Jim McKinney, Curtis Farren, Sheridan Schrecengost, Charley Huber, James Moore, Wash Schrecengost and Art Rupp.The banner reads "Remember the Maine".Photo from the estate of Berton and Marion (Lias) Rearick, courtesy of Greg Rearick. Submitted by Chuck Colton.Clicking on the image will expand it, if a larger image is available.